Helpful Resources.

Period Law

Period Law aims to end the discriminatory tampon tax once and for all. Period equity movement’s lawyers, fighting for tax-free, toxin-free, environmentally sustainable menstrual products that are freely-available to everyone who needs them.


Period poverty is the limited or inadequate access to menstrual products or menstrual health education as a result of financial constraints or negative sociocultural stigmas associated with menstruation. Period. is a youth filed non-profit with the goal of ending period poverty.



In our era of social media-empowered feminism, after centuries of societal-enforced stigma, menstruation has finally begun to bleed out into the mainstream. "Periodical," a new feature documentary from XTR and MSNBC Films, tells the unexpected story of the human body by exploring the marvel and mystery of the menstrual cycle, from first period to last. But this is not your middle school sex-ed class. Bringing you stories from soccer champion Megan Rapinoe, to scientists who are discovering the power and possibilities of stem cells found in period blood, to young activists flipping the bill on period tax one state at a time. Through innovative mixed media storytelling, "Periodical" is for everyone who wants to know more about the menstrual cycle, and especially for those who don’t.